Mesh HDR WPAN Resource Allocation
Samar Sindian1, Abed Ellatif
Samhat3, Matthieu Crussière2, Jean-François Hélard2,
and Ayman Khalil1
1CCE Department, Faculty of
Engineering, IUL, Lebanon
2INSA Rennes, University Rennes,
3Faculty of Engineering, Lebanese
University, Lebanon
Abstract: In the multihop IEEE 802.15.5 networks, all the
devices compete to the resources of a shared superframe. In order to distribute
these resources in a fair and satisfactory manner among the competing devices,
we propose a distributed optimization framework for resource allocation scheme
in an IEEE 802.15.5 hop-1. For this purpose, we introduce in this paper a suite
of optimization problems for the hop-1 IEEE 802.15.5 resource allocation to
optimize fairness and satisfaction without exceeding the superframe size and
respecting the demanded channel time size sent by the requesting devices.
Simulation results studied and compared the satisfaction factor and fairness
index of the different proposed optimization problems. Consequently, a
trade-off between satisfaction and fairness should be conducted for choosing
the optimal solution.
Keywords: IEEE 802.15.5; resource allocation; optimization;
fairness; NUM.