Critical Proficiencies for
Requirements Analysts: Reflect a Real-world Needs
Issam Jebreen and Ahmad Al-Qerem
Faculty of Information Technology, Zarqa University,
Abstract: Requirements Determination
(RD) is regarded as a critical phase of software development, In particular,
the involvement of human interaction with RD diversity increase of
communication issues such as miscommunication, misunderstandings between
stakeholders that impact on software projects time and cost. Therefore, the
software analysts’ communication skills are a key factor in project success.
Originally analysts’ responsibility is RD tasks, however, due to the variety
and the number of tasks that need to be covered, as well as different skills
for each task, the sphere of their job is usually extended. This study is
explored analysts’ proficiencies in requirement determination. An Ethnography
method has been used with software Development Company in order to investigate the
analysts’ proficiencies. Our research design conducted through an interpretive
philosophy using thematic analysis data-driven approach. We have found that 18
critical proficiencies are impacting situations in which requirement
determination occurs. We propose that the analysts’ proficiencies are a set of
activities between analysts and users in which requirement determination
situations consists of gathering users’ initial requirements follow by deeply
understanding of the users’ requirements. Surprisingly, knowledge of
requirements analysis and design solution methodologies including the
traditional approach did not seem to be critical proficiencies for requirements
analysts. In another hand, knowledge of commercial software and business
process for various types of commercial business seem to be one of the most
important critical proficiencies for requirements analysts.
Keywords: Requirements determination, analysts’