New Fool Proof Examination System through Color
Visual Cryptography and Signature
Fathimal1 and Arockia Jansirani2
of Computer Science and Engineering, SRM
Institute of Science and Technology, India
2Department of Computer Science and
Engineering, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, India
Abstract: There have been widespread allegations about the question papers leakage
for a number of subjects in the recently held Secondary School Leaving
Certificate examinations. The leakage is due to the practice of using printed
question papers. Such incidents and subsequent cancellation of examinations are
happening frequently. This creates political and social embarrassment and
causes loss of money and time. This paper proposes a new system of foolproof
examination by tamperproof e-question paper preparation and secure transmission
using secret sharing scheme. The application is perfectly secure because the
proposed method automatically embeds the corresponding institute seal in the
form of the key. As a result, it is easy to trace out the source culprit for
the leakage of question papers. This scheme has reduced reconstruction time
because the reconstruction process involves only Exclusive-OR (XOR) operation
apart from authentication. The proposed method recovers the original secret
image without any loss. The existing visual cryptographic scheme recovers
half-toned secret image with average Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) value 24dB.
Further, it shall be stated that the proposed method with authentication
recovers the image with 64.7dB PSNR value, which is greater than that of the
existing method. In addition, this method does not suffer from pixel Expansion.
Keywords: Visual cryptography, secret sharing
scheme, examination system, information security, authentication.