Classifying Sentiment of Dialectal Arabic
Reviews: A Semi-Supervised
Omar Al-Harbi
Computer and Information Department, Jazan University,
Saudi Arabia
Abstract: Arab Internet users tend to use dialectical
words to express how they feel about products, services, and places. Although,
dialects in Arabic derived from the formal Arabic language, it differs in
several aspects. In general, Arabic sentiment analysis recently attracted lots
of researchers’ attention. A considerable amount of research has been conducted
in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA), but little work has focused on dialectal Arabic.
The presence of the dialect in the Arabic texts made Arabic sentiment analysis
is a challenging issue, due to it usually does not follow specific rules in
writing or speaking system. In this paper, we implement a semi-supervised
approach for sentiment polarity classification of dialectal reviews with the
presence of Modern Standard Arabic (MSA). We combined dialectal sentiment
lexicon with four classifying learning algorithm to perform the polarity
classification, namely Support Vector Machines (SVM), Naïve Bayes (NB), Random
Forest, and K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN). To select the features with which the
classifiers can perform the best, we used three feature evaluation methods, namely,
Correlation-based Feature Selection, Principal Components Analysis, and SVM
Feature Evaluation. In the experiment, we applied the approach to a data set
which was manually collected. The experimental results show that the approach
yielded the highest classification accuracy using SVM algorithm with 92.3 %.
Keywords: Arabic sentiment analysis, Opinion mining,
Dialectal sentiment analysis, Dialectal lexicon, Dialectal Arabic processing.