A Priority Gated Round Robin Polling
Scheme for Bluetooth Piconets
Asmaa Ibrahim, Rawya Rizk, and Gamal Mahmoud
Electrical Engineering Department, Suez Canal University, Egypt
Abstract: Bluetooth is a wireless access technology where polling is used to share bandwidth among the nodes. In this paper, a new polling scheme for intra-piconet scheduling in Bluetooth piconets, Priority Gated Round Robin, is proposed. The performance of this algorithm is analyzed via simulation in different cases such as different Segmentation And Reassembly algorithms, different packet sizes, and variable number of slaves and is compared with the traditional Gated Round Robin algorithm. Simulation results demonstrate that the new scheme achieves better performance over the existing Gated Round Robin scheme.
Keywords: Bluetooth, piconet, polling, Segmentation And Reassembly (SAR).
Received October 10, 2006; accepted February 25, 2007