A Feature Model Metrics-Based Approach to
Developa Software Product Line
Yacine Djebar1,
Mohamed Kimour2, and Nouredine Guersi3
1Department of Computer Science, University of 08 Mai 1945, Algeria
2Department of Computer Science, University of
Badji Mokhtar, Algeria
3Department of
Electronics, University of Badji Mokhtar, Algeria
Abstract: In recent years, the Software Product Line (SPL) is becoming a
mainstream strategy in software development. The high
reusability and the great derivability by
modelling common and variable artefacts are undoubtedly its significant strengths.
Taking advantage of these strengths requires a design of efficient product
line. Often, most existing SPL design
approaches build on feature modelling by analysis of existing similar products.
However, existing feature-based modelling techniques lack analysis support for
building SPL with regard to different stakeholder’s views. In this paper, we
propose an approach based on analyzing and assessing process for creating
expressive structure of an SPL. Such a process provides stakeholders with a set
of optimal structures of SPL in different models and a set of metrics. In doing
so, we argue that we facilitate the selection of appropriate predefined
products structures under the form of a set of configuration-views.
Keywords: SPL, feature
diagram, multi-criteria analysis, multi-view configuration.
Received June 9, 2014; accepted January 27, 2015