A Novel Technique of Noise Cancellation based on Stationary Bionic Wavelet Transform and WATV: Application for ECG Denoising

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  • Update: 09/05/2022

A Novel Technique of Noise Cancellation based on Stationary Bionic Wavelet Transform and WATV: Application for ECG Denoising

Mourad Talbi

LaNSER, Center of Researches and Technologies of Energy of BorjCedria, Tunis

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Med Salim Bouhlel

Sciences Electroniques, Technologie de l’Information et Télécommunications (SETIT), Sfax

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Abstract: In this paper, is proposed a novel technique of Electrocardiogram (ECG) denoising. It is based on the application of Wavelet/Total-Variation (WATV) denoising approach in the domain of the Stationary Bionic Wavelet Transform (SBWT). It consists firstly in applying the SBWT to the noisy ECG signal for obtaining two noisy coefficients named wtb1 and wtb2 which are respectively details and approximation coefficients. For estimating the level of noise altering the signal, named σ, we use wtb1. This noise is an additive Gaussian white noise. The thresholding of wtb1 is secondly performed employing the soft thresholding and a denoised coefficient wtd1 is obtained. This thresholding requires the use of a certain threshold, thr which is computed using σ. Thedenoising of wtb2 is performed using WATV denoising method and we obtain a denoised coefficient, wtd2. This WATV denoising method also uses . The denoised ECG signal is finally obtained by applying the inverse of SBWT (SBWT-1) to wtd1 and wtd2. The proposed technique performance is justified by the results obtained from the computations of Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR), Minimum Square Error (MSE), Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Peak-SNR (PSNR) and Cross-Correlation (CC).

Keywords: Convex optimization, denoising, ECG, WATV, stationary bionic wavelet transform.

Received October 24, 2020; accepted August 17, 2021


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Read 891 times Last modified on Wednesday, 11 May 2022 11:34

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