GeoW@re: A Multipurpose Geo-Based Groupware Platform Using Integrated Approach
Mohamed Dbouk
Faculty of Sciences, Lebanese University, Lebanon
Abstract: This paper describes an integrated groupware platform, called “GeoW@re”. GeoW@re approach tends to coordinate competitive works launched by various independent organizations; the main issue is to increase organizations productivity by sharing knowledge. It deals with multipurpose geo-referenced entities (i. e., urban, construction geographic-related projects). GeoW@re can be seen as multipartite inter-organizations coordinator (coordination-board). It incites organizations to adhere to some devoted business rules (a specific coordination protocol). GeoW@re is urban-planning stereotyped tool; most of the concerned organizations apply GIS facilities. GeoW@re consists of an open component-based system, built on top of Linux/Apache technologies. It provides an easy internet support integrating groupware and data warehousing facilities. It was prototyped and validated with satisfaction. Future works consists to find out an ad-equation between GeoW@re and e-learning discipline.
Keywords: Groupware, computer support cooperative work, GIS, urban planning, web, data warehousing.