An Intelligent Water Drop Algorithm for
OptimizingTask Scheduling in Grid Environment
of Information Technology, Tamilnadu College of Engineering, India
of Computer Science and Engineering, PSG College of Technology, India
Abstract: The goal of grid computing is to provide
powerful computing for complex scientific problems by utilizing and sharing
large scale resources available in the grid. Efficient scheduling algorithms
are needed to allocate suitable resources for each submitted task. So
scheduling is one of the most important issues for achieving high performance
computing in grid. This paper addresses
an approach for optimizing scheduling using a nature inspired Intelligent Water
Drops (IWD) algorithm. In the proposed approach IWD algorithm is adopted to
improve the performance of task scheduling in grid environment. The performance
of Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm for task scheduling is compared with
the proposed IWD approach and it is proved that task scheduling using IWD can
efficiently and effectively allocate tasks to suitable resources in the grid.
Keywords: grid computing, IWD, task scheduling, ACO.
Received January24, 2013; accepted March 19, 2014; Published online December 23, 2015