Cuneiform Symbols Recognition Using Intensity Urves
Hilal Yousif1, Abdul Munim Rahma2, and Haithem Alani3
1Al-Rafidian University College, Iraq
2Computer Science Department, University of Technology, Iraq
3College of Science, University of Alnahrain, Iraq
Abstract: The cuneiform symbol recognition is a vital step in automated reading and understanding the contents of tens of thousands cuneiform tablets available all over the world. Reading cuneiform records depends largely on hand written copies of cuneiform tablets for their data. A suggested method for cuneiform symbol recognition from a hand written images of cuneiform text. The method make use of the fact that there are a finite number of images for the symbols and trying to differentiate between them making use of the intensity profile curves which represent the intensities of selected pixels in the images.
Keywords: Cuneiform, intensity, recognition, image, symbol.
Received January 12, 2004; accepted May 16, 2005