Hi-Tech Authentication for Palette Images Using
Digital Signature and Data Hiding
Arockia Jansirani, Rengansivagurunathan Rajesh, Ramasamy Balasubramanian, and Perumal Eswaran
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, India
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, India
Abstract: A scheme that integrates digital signature and data hiding to provide hi–tech authentication for palette images is roposed in this paper. The scheme extracts digital signature from the original palette image and embeds it back into the same alette image, avoiding additional signature file. Digital signature generation is employed using elliptic curve based public key cryptosystem. The performance of elliptic curve based public key cryptosystems is mainly appointed by the efficiency of the nderlying finite field arithmetic. Instead of directly sending an original palette image to recipients, only the embedded copy is ent associated with signed digital signature. Experimental results show that security is achieved without sacrificing the image uality.
Keywords: Digital signature, elliptic curve cryptography, karatsuba multiplication, data hiding, palette image, and color apping function.
Received June 17, 2008; accepted May 17, 2009