UDP based IP Traceback for Flooding DDoS Attack
Vijayalakshmi Murugesan amd MercyShalinie Selvaraj
of Computer Science and Engineering, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, India
Abstract: Distributed denial of service attack
has become a challenging threat in today’s Internet. The adversaries often use
spoofed IP addresses, which in turn makes the defense process very difficult.
The sophistication of the attack is increasing due to the difficulty in tracing
back the origin of attack. The researchers have contributed many traceback
schemes to find out the origin of such attacks. In the majority of the existing
methods they either mark the packets or log the hash digest of the packets at
the routers in the attack path, which is computational and storage intensive.
The proposed IP trace back scheme is an User Datagram Protocolbased (UDP)
approach using packet marking which requires computation and storage only at
the edge router and victim and hence it does not overload the intermediate
routers in the attack path. Unlike existing traceback schemes which requires
numerous packets to traceback an attacker, the proposed scheme requires only a
single trace information marked packet to identify an attacker. It supports
incremental deployment which is a desirable characteristic of a practical
traceback scheme. The work was simulated with real time Internet dataset from the
Association for Internet Data Analysis (CAIDA) and found that the storage requirement at the
victim is less than 1.2 MB which is nearly 3413 times lesser than the existing
related packet marking method. It was also implemented in real time in the
experimental DDoS Test Bed the efficacy of the system was evaluated.
Keywords: DDoS, Mitigaton, IP Traceback, Packet
Marking, Packet logging, Forensics.
Received May 30, 2014; accepted October 26, 2014