July 2005, No. 3 (12)
Fuzzy Reinforcement Learning Rectilinear Follow-up of Trajectory per Robot
Youcef Dahmani1 and Abdelkader Benyettou 2
3D Web-Based Anatomy Computer-Aided Learning Tools
Nuha El-Khalili
Department of Computer Science, University of Petra, Jordan
Intelligent Multi-Agent Based Multivariate Statistical Framework for Database Intrusion Prevention System
P. Ramasubramanian and A. Kannan
School of Computer
Web-Based Traffic System
Mohammed Hassan and Malik Al-Amayreh
Department of Information Systems and Computer Science, Amman Al-Ahliya University, Jordan
What New Challenges are Facing the Local Banks in Lebanon?
Rima Charbaji
Charbaji Consultants, Lebanon
E-Commerce and Ethical Web Design: Applying the BBBOnline Guidelines on Malaysian Websites
Husnayati Hussin, Mohd Adam Suhaimi, and Maram Mustafa
Function Inlining with Code Size Limitation in Embedded Systems
Xinrong Zhou, Johan Lilius, and Lu Yan
Turku Centre for
Performance Evaluation of Location Update Schemes in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Khaled Omer and Daya Lobiyal
School of Computer
Using Maximality-Based Labeled Transition System Model for Concurrency Logic Verification
Djamel Eddine Saidouni and Nabil Belala
Computer Vision Group,
Modeling and Formal Verification of IMPP
Sohel Khan and Abdul Waheed Abdul Sattar
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia
Genetic Algorithm-Based Synthesis of
A Model for Multi-Plant Production Planning Coordination
Conrad Oboulhas, Xu Xiaofei, and Zhan Dechen
Department of Computer Science and