July 2022, No. 4 (15)
Pattern Matching based Vehicle Density Estimation Technique for Traffic Monitoring Systems
XAPP: An Implementation of SAX-Based Method for Mapping XML Document to and from a Relational Database
Semantic Interoperability Model in Healthcare Internet of Things Using Healthcare Sign Description Framework
<Rating the Crisis of Online Public Opinion Using a Multi-Level Index System
MiNB: Minority Sensitive NaĂŻve Bayesian Algorithm for Multi-Class Classification of Unbalanced Data
MiNB: Minority Sensitive NaĂŻve Bayesian Algorithm for Multi-Class Classification of Unbalanced Data
<A Novel Approach of Clustering Documents: Minimizing Computational Complexities in Accessing Database Systems
<Person-Independent Emotion and Gender Prediction (EGP) System Using EEG Signals