January 2005, No. 1 (9)
17 June 2008
Automark++: A Case Tool to Automatically Mark Student Java Programs
Jubair Al-Ja'afer and Khair Eddin Sabri
King Abdullah
Published in
January 2005, No. 1
17 June 2008
Fuzzy Inference Modeling Methodology for the Simulation of Population Growth
Hassan Diab and Jean Saade
Department of Electrical and
Published in
January 2005, No. 1
17 June 2008
Object Modeling of Filter-Oriented Systems of Attention: Possibilities of Integration
Igor Chimir1, Waheeb Abu-Dawwas2, and Raed Alqawasmi3
Published in
January 2005, No. 1
17 June 2008
Using Probabilistic Unsupervised Neural Method for Lithofacies Identification
Salim Chikhi and Mohamed Batouche
Computer Science Department, University Mentouri of
Published in
January 2005, No. 1
17 June 2008
Frequency Domain Watermarking: An Overview
Khaled Mahmoud, Sekharjit Datta, and James Flint
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Loughborough
Published in
January 2005, No. 1
17 June 2008
Pure DDP-Based Cipher: Architecture Analysis, Hardware Implementation Cost and Performance up to 6.5
Pure DDP-Based Cipher: Architecture Analysis, Hardware Implementation Cost and Performance up to 6.5 Gbps
Nikolay Moldovyan1, Nicolas Sklavos2, and Odysseas
Published in
January 2005, No. 1
17 June 2008
On the Routing of the OTIS-Cube Network in Presence of Faults
Ahmad Awwad1 and Jehad Al-Sadi2
Published in
January 2005, No. 1
17 June 2008
LiSER: A Software Experience Management Tool to Support Organisational Learning in Software Developm
LiSER: A Software Experience Management Tool to Support Organisational Learning in Software Development Organisations
Abdulmajid Mohamed, Sai Peck Lee, and Siti Salwah Salim
Published in
January 2005, No. 1
17 June 2008