October 2007, No. 4 (15)
Experimenting N-Grams in Text Categorization
Abdellatif Rahmoun and Zakaria Elberrichi
Faculty of Computer and Information Technology, University of King
Parallelization of the Resampling Image Filter
Mourad Mahboub1 and Djamal Lachachi2
1Sciences Faculty,
Fingerprint Recognition Using Zernike Moments
Hasan Abdel Qader, Abdul Rahman Ramli, and Syed Al-Haddad
Faculty of Computer Engineering, University
Malaysian Vehicle License Plate Recognition
Othman Khalifa, Sheroz Khan, Rafiqul Islam, and Ahmad Suleiman
Kulliyyah of Engineering, International Islamic
An Intelligent MCDM Approach for Selecting the Suitable Expert System Building Tool
Khalid Eldrandaly
Information Systems Department, Zagazig University,
Automated Student’s Courses Registration Using Computer-Telephony Integration
Maged Fahmy
Computer Department, King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia
<SAPIENCE: A Simulator of Interactive Pedagogical Activities for Distance Learning Environment
Tahar Bouhadada and Mohamed-Tayeb Laskri
Laboratory Research on
Improved Vector Quantization Approach for Discrete HMM Speech Recognition System
Mohamed Debyeche1, Jean-Paul Haton2, and Amrane Houacine1
Deductive Inference in the Context of the Dialogue Process
Igor Chimir1 and Waheeb Abu-Dawwas2
A Multi-Agent System for POS-Tagging Vocalized Arabic Texts
Chiraz Ben Othmane Zribi, Aroua Torjmen, and Mohamed Ben Ahmed
Adaptive Contention Window Scheme for WLANs
Elwathig Elhag and Mohamed Othman
Faculty of Computer and Information Technology, University Putra
Dimensionality Reduction in Time Series: A PLA-Block-Sorting Method
Bachir Boucheham
Department of Informatics, University of Skikda , Algeria
Updating Search Engines Using Meta-Updates
Ezz Hattab
Faculty of IS and Technology, Arab Academy for Banking and Financial Sciences,
Overview of Some Algorithms of Off-Line Arabic Handwriting Segmentation
Toufik Sari and Mokhtar Sellami
LRI Laboratory, University of Badji