November 2009, No. 5 (10)
10 November 2009
2009 Index
The International Arab Journal for Information Technology Vol. 6
Published in
November 2009, No. 5
10 November 2009
08 November 2009
Arabic Anaphora Resolution: Corpora
Annotation with Coreferential Links
Souha Hammami, Lamia Belguith, and Abdelmajid Ben Hamadou
LARIS-MIRACL Laboratory,
LARIS-MIRACL Laboratory,
Published in
November 2009, No. 5
08 November 2009
A Combination Approach of Gaussian
Mixture Models and Support Vector
Machines for Speaker Identifica
Rafik Djemili1, Hocine Bourouba2, and
Published in
November 2009, No. 5
27 October 2009
Using Maximality-Based Labelled Transition System as a Model for Petri Nets
Djamel Eddine Saidouni, Nabil Belala, and Messaouda Bouneb
Published in
November 2009, No. 5
27 October 2009
Cursor Movement Control Development
by Using ANFIS Algorithm
Suhail Odeh, Joseph Hodali, Maha Sleibi, and Ilyaa Salsa
Faculty of
Faculty of
Published in
November 2009, No. 5
08 November 2009
Using Language Independent and Language Specific Features to Enhance Arabic Named
Entity Recognition
Yassine Benajiba2, Mona Diab2, and
Published in
November 2009, No. 5
08 November 2009
A Modified Spiral Model Using PSP, TSP, and
Six Sigma Process Model for
Embedded Systems
Adnan Shaout and Tejas
Published in
November 2009, No. 5
08 November 2009
Performance Optimization in Structured
Wireless Sensor Networks
Amine Moussa and Hoda Maalouf
Computer Science Department, Notre Dame University, Lebanon
Computer Science Department, Notre Dame University, Lebanon
Published in
November 2009, No. 5
08 November 2009
Multimedia Courses Generator for Deaf Children
Published in
November 2009, No. 5